Tuesday, January 18

Boring in class? Read this!

Sedar tak sedar, dah 3 minggu semester baru bermula. Ahh, nanti cuti semester sampai 4 bulan nak buat apa?? Sekarang, tak sampai sebulan dah busy memanjang. Assignment kiri kanan, tutorial lah, lecture 4-5 jam sehari, boleh pecah otak,okay! Alahai lecturers...sebab tense punya pasal, I found some of these yang boleh digunakan untuk menjadikan suasana kelas lebih 'ummmppph'. HAHA!

Ever been in such a boring and lame lecture in your life?
ever think of getting out of it?
getting rid of the lecturer,maybe?LOL...
seriously,i can show u how!!!
Ayuh, release stress sekejap!

1. Listen attentively to lecture.  Approximately every fifteen minutes,look really startled, then 
clap your hands twice.  Repeat this often.  If the professor complains, say 

"The light bulb above my head is connected to a Clapper, sir!"

2. Sit way at the back of the room, up against the wall, to get as far away from your professor as possible. While he/she is lecturing, shout out things like
"sorry,tak dengar!"-"speak up!"-"what?"
when he advises you to sit closer to the front, tell him/her you can't because
u're scouting the room for "assassins."

3.Show up to class about ten minutes late.  Ride into the room on a bicycle,yell, "Look out!", and crash into the blackboard.  Get up, take a seat, and act like nothing happened.  Do this every day.
4.Keep "accidentally" setting fires at your desk.  Burn notebooks, papers, or whatever you have handy.  Whenever you start a fire, no matter how small it is, start yelling,

"Fire! Fire!"
and run out of the room in a panic. Don't return for the rest of class.
5.Bring a small cactus to class with you.  Raise your hand, and when you're called on, say that the cactus has a question.  Turn and look at the cactus, as if you're waiting for it to say something.  After a few moments, shrug, and wait for your professor to move on.  Do this once a day,and become
increasingly irritated with the cactus every time, sighing heavily and giving it evil looks when it fails to "speak."  When you leave the classroom, start yelling at the cactus,
"I can't believe you embarrassed me AGAIN...."
6.Write your professor a note that says,
"I'm going to be about 15 minutes late. 
Go ahead and start without me." 
Wait outside the building until the time when class is supposed to begin.  Tie the note to a rock, and throw it through the window.

7.Get a MONKEY, and bring it to class with you.  Tell your professor that you've hired the monkey to take notes for you.  Sit back and relax during
class, letting the monkey scribble on a piece of paper.  When it comes time
to write a paper or take a test, write down things like, 

"I wish I had a banana" and "I miss my tire swing."   Assuming you get a bad grade, angrily fire the monkey in front of your professor.

hilarious, isn't it?HAHA! Okay, ini untuk release stress by bacaan sahaja,okai! Jangan tiru aksi berani mati kat atas ni ye kawan-kawan.Kita budak baik :D

DISCLAIMER: Any action of yours is your own responsibility. Oh!Oh! this is from my personal blog where I found on the internet.

Mengenai Penulis Entri Ini :
Fynn juga penulis untuk blog One of My Kind. Anda boleh mengikuti beliau di sini pada setiap Selasa dan di Twitter. Untuk membaca semua hasil penulisan beliau di blog 100penulis.com, anda boleh klik label FYNN. Entry terbaru di blog beliau ketika ini ialah Henry gurney, be kind to me..


therosputih said...

kalu buat betol2 mcm ni dpn lencturer, kompem...kena sumpah jadi kodok...hahaha

manggosteen said...

silap2 dpt lempang free je dari lect..

Fynn said...

kahkahkah...kodok pulak?

Unknown said...

salam, dengar je lah...klu tak menarik...tidur.

Fynn said...

oh well,bkn selalu.haha

tidur tu kang kena marah pulak bang~

nn said...

elak kena panggil masuk dean's office je kalau buat cemni. haha

Fariehan Ibrahim said...

LOL, xpom lect tu yg nanges n ltak jwtn kes dpt stdnt cmnie, haha! =PP

anyss said...

Hu hu hu berani ke nak buat? Alahai...seminggu nyorok muka dalam baldi kalau buat cam gitu la la la

Jom join;
Kontes Cerita Paling Lawak sedunia

shandye. said...

kalau kena dengan lecturer yg sporting takpa.

ni kalau yg bertaraf dr atau prof... siap2 kena bar exam. hahaha...

r.k said...

ghua ingat prof pun berhenti jadi lecturer . mental kot dapat student macam ni !

humble.yat said...

setuju sgt dengan rk..sbb tu nak jadi pendidik kena ada semgt yg kental;-)