What is so good about the UK education system? Well, I have seen the differences between Malaysian education system where in the UK, students are given the responsibility to take charge of their own learning. I know it too well if I start comparing, I will end up writing with few entries, too many things to share I guess. Anyway, let's just say, apart from its awesomeness, UK education system also has the negative side of it:
1) Teachers in the UK do not have the authority in the classroom.
Teachers follow everything what administration asks. They cannot punish their students who are disruptive in the class They have to follow what the school discipline policy says. I have seen this one particular teacher in WS college where teacher didn't do anything when the student being so rude and he even caused a serious disruption to the class. The teacher just looked at him, and said something like "can you please be quiet?" I was like, "this is not the right way to handle misbehaved students, it is not right!" what? no action? well, I must say they have their own warnings and parking system but then it doesn't work, or maybe it would never work.
2) Students are just too rude with no respect to the teachers and other people.
Students pay no respect to the teachers. They are playing and chatting around while teacher is teaching in front. Students who sit at the back will have phone with them, listening to the MP3 or whatever Ipod. And sometimes when teacher gives them the warning, they will throw bad words to the teacher. Bad words which are not like "bodoh" "bengong" but then "F***" "Sh**". Fuhhh, that's too much to absorb!
3) Above all, teacher cannot touch their own students. Not at all.
Teachers cannot make physical contact to the students, or else the teachers will be in trouble. That's why, teachers in the UK seem to have no control over their own students because the policy itself forbids the teachers to do so. They cannot do even a single pinch. Maybe that explains why the students in the UK take advantage for it. Teachers may get angry, but it affects nothing. And the students just don't care.
So yes, whatever it is. Malaysia should really think of how the students in the UK get actively engaged in the classroom instead of focusing too much on disciplinary problems. Maybe that school that I observed is one of the problematic schools, and my friends who observed great schools in the UK really impressed me. The way the students get engaged and react toward their own learning is really interesting. They have so many interactive approaches and the teachers also offer full support to the students. Learning from our own experience can be fruitful. Most importantly, take what is positive from it. That's how we learn. =)
Mengenai Penulis Entri Ini :
Aida Ismail juga penulis untuk blog On Stage. Anda boleh mengikuti beliau di sini pada setiap Khamis dan di Twitter. Untuk membaca semua hasil penulisan beliau di blog 100penulis.com, anda boleh klik label Aida Ismail. Entry terbaru di blog beliau ketika ini ialah "Alone".

Aikkkk nampak macam sama je pun...kat malaysiapun macam tu jugak kan he he he
Terkini di blog saya;
Aku Gila SEO?
ehh? apa yang sama? hehe. mungkin the way we see things differently kot. =D
yo love , how u doin ?
well , thats some part of negative of the POLICY . me would like to read about the positive part . sooner i hope .
till then ,
"Most importantly, take what is positive from it. That's how we learn. =)"
thats true that love . have a nice day .
kat malaysia dulu senang je cikgu nak punish students. but i don't think sekarang boleh. ramai students lagi-lagi yang berada suka mengadu kat parents and then, SEE YOU IN COURT lah jawabnya if cikgu buat apa-apa kat student.
rasanya policy kat negara barat memang lain. tapi students kat sana memang kreatif sebab sistem diorang yang tak terlalu exam/discipline oriented macam kita.
setuju dgn nn. sistem evaluasi lokal sebenarnya secara tidak langsung menyekat kreativiti dan pemikiran kritis pelapis generasi muda. dalam erti kata lain, mereka hanya sekadar menghafal dan memuntahkan semula nota ketika menjawab peperiksaan.
walaubagaimana pun, suatu penuh peperiksaan yang lebih holistik telahpun giat diterapkan ke dalam sistem pendidikan lokal. sebagai contoh penerapan format kbkk (kemahiran berfikir secara kritis dan kreatif) iaitu di mana setiap sesi pengajaran haruslah disertakan dengan kemmasukan kemahiran yang menjana pelajar untuk menggunakan satu daripada 14 bentuk pemikiran kreatif dan kritis.
namun begitu, masih terlalu awal dan masih banyak lagi pembaikan yang boleh dilaksanakan untuk membangun dan menaiktarafkan sistem pendidikan tempatan. kerajaan dan juga institusi persendirian termasuklah ibu-bapa sendiri haruslah bertindak secara proaktif untuk menjana solusi bersituasi menang-menang untuk kebaikan para pelajar itu sendiri. janganlah menjadi majoriti situasi sekarang di mana ibubapa laju sahaja menyalak menyalahkan institusi pendidikan dan juga kerajaan apabila ada sesuatu yang tidak kena.
begitu juga dengan kerajaan dan juga jabatan pendidikan tidak seharusnya membuat keputusan terburu-buru dan segera hanya kerana isu itu isu madani (sekadar mengambil contoh isu 'kem membanteras pelajar lelaki lembut di terengganu') kerana itu bukanlah jalan terbaik sebagai solusi. harus fikir baik dan buruk dan alternatif lain terlebih dahulu sebelum sesuatu eksekusi diteruskan. jangan jad macam isu bahasa inggeris sebelum ini. dengar cerita hendak dibangkitkan semula.
lelaki [tanpa] emosi
monyet merah jambu menulis
i'm with r.k...
prefer to learn about all the good things about uk education system...
how they learn by themselves...
how they initiates creativity and innovation...
and how they could talk so much with confidence and intelligence...
which i think...what our youth generation lacks the most...
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